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navagraha1 from jaikumar kesav on Vimeo.
Let me start with Navagraha
Who Disovered The Planets?
It was discovered in 1690 source:
Hindu temples have had navagrahas (nine planets) worshipped for centuries. And centuries before there was no telescope or nothing of the kind. Then how did the ancient Hindus know that nine planets exist in our solar system? How did they know that these nine planets spin around the sun?
Even in Vedha or Veda or வேதம், they have mentioned the colors of the planets
Rakthavarnam Bakthavachalam - red color for sun
Agaragam athi rakthavarnam - Dark red for Mars
Sweetha varnam - White Color for moon
Some Proof found in youtube
this is one of the important topics one has to discuss about!!
i had a discussion about Navagraha with my friends,one of my friend said that the planets were visible thousands of years ago with our naked eye, that is before the invention of a telescope ,so at that time only scholars could find the difference between a star and a planet.
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